Eclipse Wings

In Magerealm Eclipse Wings are the ones that have rainbow colors. At rank 1/10, this set of wings provides a bonus of 283 ATK, 12750 HP and 850 DEF.
Eclipse Wings

These wings have a special passive ability called “Healing” that whenever you are attacked you have a 10% chance to gain 5% HP.

To unlock this set of wings you need to be at Mage Council 5 or M5. As I saw as a free to play player you get 10 points for free at level 30. After that you need to grind realm gems or buy diamonds. It costs 200 diamonds to get 20 points and if you do some math you need 15 x 200 realm diamonds which is 3000 diamonds.

Mage Council

At level 30 you will also have a bonus passive ability called “Retaliate” which whenever you are attacked you have a 10% chance to increase attack by 15%. And you unlock more slots for other abilities at level 25, 55 and 65.

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